Friday, 10 July 2020

during the time of the inception of the fossil fuel economy we got the 'wholesale fuel' trade, now that option has gone and this is a real travesty for our environment. The country of Australia was built on mining, it's a fair share of coal and there is a great deal of value to our country, given all of the mining that has happened over the years. For a relatively small chunk of the population, Australia has delivered some of the best and the most technology-based components on the market.

In today's world, it is only natural that the 'green' consumer is driving demand for 'green' products. If a product is made in Australia or made by Australian workers then you will feel better about your purchase. Not only does a product to make you feel better but it also makes it more cost-effective for that company to bring that product to market, without you having to pay an import tax. Remember that our government is already taxing corporations based on the location of their stores so why not the next step?

Maybe you want to try a product that isn't available in the states? Now you have another option. When you go online you can search for a product made in Australia and as long as the product is made in Australia you are set, no more worrying about tax if you buy locally made goods.

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